Eva Maria Fernandez Ammann M.A.
Freelance Trainer and Facilitator for Didactics of Higher Education, Intercultural Communication, Presentation and Facilitation Skills
General Information and Résumé:
- Language and communication scientist
- Graduated in Romance Studies (Spanish/French) and Media and Communication Studies at the University of Mannheim
- Additional qualifications: train the trainer, intercultural training and consulting, didactics of higher education
Professional Experience:
- Online-marketing copywriter and conceptioner
- Project assistant at the Human Resources Development Department of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
- Research and teaching assistant at the Department of Romance Linguistics and Media Studies at the University of Mannheim
- Freelance trainer and facilitator in institutions of higher education as well as companies and associations since 2011
Main Focuses and Key Activities:
- Didactics of higher education
- Intercultural communication and diversity
- Presentation and visualization
- Facilitation